Flashlights Work How Do Generators For Flashlights And Other Electronics Work Just By Shaking?

How do generators for flashlights and other electronics work just by shaking? - flashlights work

The overall work Generators: If you create a wire in a changing magnetic field, an electric current in the wire. It is called electromagnetic induction.

Shaking the flashlight, a magnet in moving the torch up and down and it creates a variable magnetic field in a coil of wire, which in the lantern. The electric current generated by the charges of the lamp (which stores electricity in a battery, I think).

You can use the physics of it read in detail here (under the "Faraday's Law"):
http://cref.if.ufrgs.br/hiperfisica/hbas ...


Joshua G said...

Good question. It would be a long answer in its entirety, so I'll simplify. In the headlights, I saw that evokes, is a magnet that moves up and down while stirring. The magnet is a flow field around the "cut" a coil of wire at 90 degrees to produce electricity more efficiently. At the end of the cooling coil is large enough to store the energy generated by the earthquake light. The capacitor acts like a battery. This is a reply very Simplied. I hope that helps.

confused said...

. Living Together generates a magnetic field moves. The moving magnetic field generates a current in a conductor with a capacitor, which can be used to power a flashlight

Captain_... said...

First answer is correct, but I must say that electricity is generally more the necessary light, the surplus is stored in a battery (in the recent ultracapacitors) for later use.

It helps to have a soft light, and be prepared to demand, instead of trying to shake the light when you try to shine on something!

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